Developing Teams


We always work with our clients to design interventions which are most effective in dealing with their particular issues. The following are examples of programmes which have run in this area

  • Team Effectiveness – How Teams Work Together
  • Team Effectiveness – Team Building

Developing Teams



One of the most useful team building activities is to focus on real business meetings.  A facilitator spends half a day to one day observing and feeding back the way that business meetings are being run and decisions made.  They then help the team to review these processes and to examine the strengths that individuals bring to the team.  An understanding of the team preferences of each person is extremely helpful to team co-operation.
  • To improve team process/meeting skills.
  • To help individuals understand what they bring to a team.
  • To put into place more efficient/effective methods of team functions.
  • To cover all areas of team functions.


  • Observations and review of team meetings.
  • Team Decisions-Making Processes
  • Team Preferences



Where a new team or group has been formed or an existing group has had its focus changed and needs revitalising, an effective method can be a team building programme.
  • To agree and clarify the focus/purpose of the team or group.
  • To raise the awareness, at both an individual and a group level, of the effect of individual preferences in behaviour and ways of working.
  • To improve the effectiveness of the team in meeting the needs of its customers.


Whilst each programme will be designed to suit the particular needs of each group the following is an outline of a typical programme.
  • Evaluation of team's capabilities of working together to achieve its objectives - its "Readiness".
  • Helping individuals to understand their preferences/ways of working using Myers-Briggs/ADQ, and what effect these preferences have on how they relate to others.
  • Understanding and evaluating the group problem solving process.
  • Helping individuals/teams to understand their preferred roles within team using questionnaires based on Belbin's work.
  • Facilitate the group clarifying what their purpose is, who their customers are and what are their objectives.
  • Throughout these phases use short indoor/outdoor exercises to illustrate real team behaviours and facilitate feedback to individuals on their behaviours.
  • The next phase would involve the whole group in a twenty-four hour complex exercise using both indoor and outdoor resources. Again, feedback is a feature of this phase.
  • Finish by bringing the parts together with the agreement of an action plan for the group and its members to achieve its objectives and purpose in the work situation.
This programme can be followed up over the next six to twelve months to see how action plans are following up and to look at areas which need further development.

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