Developing Organisations


We always work with our clients to design interventions which are most effective in dealing with their particular issues. The following are examples of programmes which have run in this area

  • Changing Organisations
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Handling Clients Effectively

Developing Organsisations


We deal with Change in an Positive Pro-Active way, unlike many Change programmes which outline the problems individuals face during change with a “Fatalistic” approach i.e. explaining but not offering help. Our basic module uses is based around the idea of Individual Resilience to change and combines much of the recent findings with the well-accepted models such as the Transition Curve. It achieves 2 main objectives:
  1. To help individuals develop strategies to improve their ability to maintain effectiveness during Change
  2. To help organisations and Team Leaders to improve radically, the chances of changes meeting their aims.
The programme outlines a number of key steps:


  • What type of change
  • The process of change itself
  • The key roles which must be filled
  • Why and what forms resistance take and how to deal with it, including the transition curve
  • How to gain commitment to the change
  • The effect of existing organisational culture on change
  • Combining the change with our values


  • Using our questionnaire individuals can measure our resilience -our own individual innate ability to deal with change – where we are strong and where we need to develop.
  • Working with managers we identify where and why past changes have failed to be implemented successfully


  • Working with individuals, we devise steps which can help an individual to increase their resilience and therefore their effectiveness in a change situation.
  • Working with Instigators of change we help to devise plans and strategies for introducing real changes more effectively
Linked Workshops
All organisational development workshops.



To assist a whole department, function or company which wants to change the culture to one customer focused continuous improvement.  To be fully effective this programme needs full commitment from the most senior members of the department/function/company.


Prior to running these workshops a programme is agreed with the Department's management which usually includes the setting up of regular Continuous Improvement group meetings and agreeing the decision making authority levels and process.  The essence of the programmes is that individual employees and their work groups take responsibility for trying to improve the quality of the department's output by reviewing the methods of work on a continuous basis. This programme takes participants through all the steps to achieve a Continuous Improvement culture and teaches the skills necessary. These skills are:
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Project Management
  • Team Working
The workshops are followed by regular group sessions, which can be externally facilitated if required.
Linked Workshops
Handling Clients Effectively, CRM



To help individuals or a department/function to improve its effectiveness in handling customers.  An example may be a maintenance operation which wants to change its orientation to one of servicing the customer rather than the machine.


The emphasis of this workshop is on the skills of communication.  Initially participants are taught both Receptive and Expressive skills and behaviours are explained and practised.  This covers the skills of Active Listening, Assertiveness and Questioning. These skills are then used in dealing with irate or difficult customers in role plays. Each participant is coached using CCTV until they are able to deal with various customer requests and responses including the emotional and irrational.

Linked Workshops

People Skills, CRM
A very useful adjunct to this programme is Field Accompaniment.

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